RxJS Course

Life is But a Stream

RxJS Course - Learn RxJS for Free

The course introduces you to RxJS, its many operators, and advanced concepts with subjects for multicasting, error handling, custom operators, and testing.

Table of Contents

This comprehensive course covers the following topics:

  1. Introduction
  2. Observables
  3. Subscriptions
  4. Creation Operators
  5. Transformation Operators
  6. Filtering Operators
  7. Joining Operators
  8. Utility Operators
  9. Conditional Operators
  10. Subject
  11. Multicasting Operators
  12. Subject Variants
  13. Error Handling
  14. Custom Operators
  15. Testing
  16. Resources

Getting Started

This course uses Git branches for each section, exercise, and solution. Let's take a look at an example series of commands for using Git's command-line tools.

If you are unfamiliar with using the terminal you may want to consider using a graphical user interface (GUI). This course will contain instructions for using the command-line. As such, we strongly encourage you to dig in and try to become comfortable using the terminal.

If you are using Windows, you must use the Git Bash application - NOT the command prompt (cmd.exe).

To get started, you need to clone the git repository, install dependencies, and start the application:

git clone https://github.com/blove/advanced-rxjs.git
cd advanced-rxjs
npm install
npm start

Let's break down these commands:

  • First, we use the git clone command followed by the GitHub repository URL. This will download the Git repository and create a new advanced-rxjs directory in your current working directory.
  • Then, we use the cd command to change into the advacned-rxjs directory.
  • We then install all dependencies using the command: npm install.
  • Finally, start the Angular development server as well as json-server using the command: npm start.

Chapter Branches

Chapters, exercises, and exercise solutions are all self-contained in separate branches.

By default when you clone the repository you are on the master branch.

Let's checkout the first branch we'll be using in the course:

git checkout 10-subjects

Here, we are using the git checkout command followed by the branch name: 10-subjects.

This command will switch our current branch to the 09-subjects branch, which contains the code that we'll be using for our first exercise.

If you want to skip ahead to the solution, and we do not recommend skipping exercises, you can checkout the solution branch for the exercise:

git checkout 09-subjects-complete

RxJS Course

Life is But a Stream

RxJS Course - Learn RxJS for Free

The course introduces you to RxJS, its many operators, and advanced concepts with subjects for multicasting, error handling, custom operators, and testing.

Table of Contents

This comprehensive course covers the following topics:

  1. Introduction
  2. Observables
  3. Subscriptions
  4. Creation Operators
  5. Transformation Operators
  6. Filtering Operators
  7. Joining Operators
  8. Utility Operators
  9. Conditional Operators
  10. Subject
  11. Multicasting Operators
  12. Subject Variants
  13. Error Handling
  14. Custom Operators
  15. Testing
  16. Resources

Getting Started

This course uses Git branches for each section, exercise, and solution. Let's take a look at an example series of commands for using Git's command-line tools.

If you are unfamiliar with using the terminal you may want to consider using a graphical user interface (GUI). This course will contain instructions for using the command-line. As such, we strongly encourage you to dig in and try to become comfortable using the terminal.

If you are using Windows, you must use the Git Bash application - NOT the command prompt (cmd.exe).

To get started, you need to clone the git repository, install dependencies, and start the application:

git clone https://github.com/blove/advanced-rxjs.git
cd advanced-rxjs
npm install
npm start

Let's break down these commands:

  • First, we use the git clone command followed by the GitHub repository URL. This will download the Git repository and create a new advanced-rxjs directory in your current working directory.
  • Then, we use the cd command to change into the advacned-rxjs directory.
  • We then install all dependencies using the command: npm install.
  • Finally, start the Angular development server as well as json-server using the command: npm start.

Chapter Branches

Chapters, exercises, and exercise solutions are all self-contained in separate branches.

By default when you clone the repository you are on the master branch.

Let's checkout the first branch we'll be using in the course:

git checkout 10-subjects

Here, we are using the git checkout command followed by the branch name: 10-subjects.

This command will switch our current branch to the 09-subjects branch, which contains the code that we'll be using for our first exercise.

If you want to skip ahead to the solution, and we do not recommend skipping exercises, you can checkout the solution branch for the exercise:

git checkout 09-subjects-complete


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