Pipe Function

Custom Operators

pipe() Function

The pipe() function provides the ability to combine existing operators together to create a new operator.


Let's use the pipe() function to create a new logger() operator.

The logger() operator will accept an optional loggerType operator that will specify the type of log message to output to the console.

import { pipe } from 'rxjs';
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/ajax';
import { map, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';

interface UserResponse {
  page: number;
  per_page: number;
  total: number;
  total_pages: number;
  data: {
    id: number;
    email: string;
    first_name: string;
    last_name: string;
    avatar: string;

enum LoggerType {

const getLoggerByType = (loggerType: LoggerType): ((value: any) => void) => {
  switch (loggerType) {
    case LoggerType.Count:
      return console.count;
    case LoggerType.Debug:
      return console.debug;
    case LoggerType.Dir:
      return console.dir;
    case LoggerType.Log:
      return console.log;
    case LoggerType.Table:
      return console.table;

const logger = (loggerType = LoggerType.Log) =>

    map((response) => response.data),

See example on codesandbox

In the example above we've defined a new LoggerType enumerator for each of the type of logging outputs supported by our logger() operator. We'll use the console object's methods for each type accordingly. The getLoggerByType() is a helper function to return a reference the console object method.

The operator itself is fairly short:

  • We create a new function that accepts the optional loggerType argument and default to the LoggerType.Log value.
  • Using the pipe() function we pass the emitted next notification value to the tap() operator, which will invoke the appropriate console method.
  • In our implementation we are fetching users from the API, using the map() operator to access the data property that contains the array of user object. First we use the logger() operator without any arguments, which should use the console.log() method. Then, we use the logger() operator and specify the LoggerType.Table for the loggerType argument.

Pipe Function

Custom Operators

pipe() Function

The pipe() function provides the ability to combine existing operators together to create a new operator.


Let's use the pipe() function to create a new logger() operator.

The logger() operator will accept an optional loggerType operator that will specify the type of log message to output to the console.

import { pipe } from 'rxjs';
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/ajax';
import { map, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';

interface UserResponse {
  page: number;
  per_page: number;
  total: number;
  total_pages: number;
  data: {
    id: number;
    email: string;
    first_name: string;
    last_name: string;
    avatar: string;

enum LoggerType {

const getLoggerByType = (loggerType: LoggerType): ((value: any) => void) => {
  switch (loggerType) {
    case LoggerType.Count:
      return console.count;
    case LoggerType.Debug:
      return console.debug;
    case LoggerType.Dir:
      return console.dir;
    case LoggerType.Log:
      return console.log;
    case LoggerType.Table:
      return console.table;

const logger = (loggerType = LoggerType.Log) =>

    map((response) => response.data),

See example on codesandbox

In the example above we've defined a new LoggerType enumerator for each of the type of logging outputs supported by our logger() operator. We'll use the console object's methods for each type accordingly. The getLoggerByType() is a helper function to return a reference the console object method.

The operator itself is fairly short:

  • We create a new function that accepts the optional loggerType argument and default to the LoggerType.Log value.
  • Using the pipe() function we pass the emitted next notification value to the tap() operator, which will invoke the appropriate console method.
  • In our implementation we are fetching users from the API, using the map() operator to access the data property that contains the array of user object. First we use the logger() operator without any arguments, which should use the console.log() method. Then, we use the logger() operator and specify the LoggerType.Table for the loggerType argument.


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